Call for Submissions
The 27th annual one-day conference on Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry will be held in New York City on Friday, June 6th, 2025. This year will feature presentations on a range of topics of interest to researchers and clinicians who have an interest in behavioral interventions for cognitive deficits in persons with psychiatric illness.
Research Symposia:
There will be 3 research symposia, each consisting of 4 speakers. Oral presentations will be live with a moderator and opportunities for Q&A and discussion.
How do I submit a proposed talk for the Research Symposium?: Email Dr. Ali Saperstein at with the proposed topic of research, names of proposed presenter and senior author, institutional affiliation and position, contact information. Deadline for proposals TBA.
How do I submit a proposed poster for the Poster Session?: Poster submissions may be submitted at any time up until the final deadline (TBA). Submitted abstracts should include a title, as well as names, highest academic degrees, academic position and affiliations of all authors. A corresponding author should be designated on the abstract, and a complete mailing address, e-mail address should be included for this author. Abstracts should include a statement of a hypothesis, description of participants and procedures, and a brief description of results. Poster presenters will have rich and extended opportunities to share their work with other researchers and clinicians interested in similar issues during the session. In addition, one of the conference sponsors, the Alliance for the Study of Cognitive Disorders, will be awarding a prize for the best student poster (post-doctoral fellow or graduate student as presenting/corresponding author). Please indicate on your abstract that you are applying for this award and whether you are a graduate student or a post-doctoral fellow. If you have questions about poster submission guidelines you may contact Dr. Matthew Kurtz at